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Impressions from Fantastic Tales 

The work of sixteen internationally renowned Danish ceramicists will be on display at one of the most unique houses in Brighton during Artists Open Houses 2014.The Fantastic Tales: Danish Contemporary Ceramics show will be the first themed exhibition at The Ceramic House and will feature a cross-spectrum of art forms – sculpture, installation, performance, tableware and wall pieces – creating a significant British exhibition of Danish Contemporary Ceramics. The exhibition came about after Kay undertook a residency at the International Ceramic Research Centre in Denmark in summer 2013. Following a further residency in spring 2014, Kay will create a new installation for the exhibition at The Ceramic House. This will later be exhibited at the Danish Biennial: European Ceramic Context 2014. This is part of an Arts Council funded project and supported by the Embassy of Denmark. The University of Brighton is hosting a programme of artists talks to accompany the exhibition.

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CH_view stuen

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CH_bølge rød baggrund

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CH_bølge encounters


7éme Festival de sculpture céramique eurppéenne.


Fantastic Tales